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‘References’ is the section of administrator’s panel for managing different references of the site, inclusive of property description and others.

Countries subsection lists the countries installed on the site. You can edit countries database inclusive of regions and cities. To edit country name, click ‘Edit’ button against the necessary country. To get the list of regions, click the countries which regions would you like to view/modify.
Cities can be reached in the same way – just click the necessary region. To edit or remove a city, region or country – use corresponding buttons on the left.
It is also possible to add country with its regions and cities manually.
Type the name of the country, click ‘Add’ button; then to add regions for the country click the country name and type the name of the region. Cities are added in the same way.

Bad Words.
‘Bad words’ section allows administrator to indicate the words that should not appear on the website.
Members using these words in their messages will not be able to send them. Words and phrases should be separated by a comma.

Property type.
This reference allows site administrator to manage property types available in different site forms.
Click ‘Options’ to view available property types, remove those you don’t need or add new items:

Numerical values.
This reference allows site administrator to manage numerical values for number of bedrooms,
bathrooms and garages. Click ‘Options’ to view/add or remove items.

About Property.
‘About property’ subsection lists items describing property such as furniture, accommodations etc.
To view, add or remove values for existing items for property description, click ‘Options’ against a necessary item.
You can also add new field(s) for property description. To do that, click ‘add’ button at the bottom.
This will open a page where you setup new reference for property description.
On the page you will find detailed instructions on how to setup a new reference. There you will choose type of the field (multi-select, checkbox), give it a name and choose its order number.
Once new reference is added, click ‘Options’ button against newly created reference. You will get a page where you will be able to add variants for this reference.

Term of lease.
This reference provides management of options of ‘Term of lease’ reference.

About person.
This subsection includes references for person description. You can add new references or manage existing ones in the same way as ‘About property’ subsection references.

This reference is used for managing ‘Gender’ reference.

This reference is used for managing ‘Languages’ reference.

Reason for deactivation.
Here you can view, add or remove options for reason for profile deactivation.

The reference covers reference options for occupation of a person.

Includes references for describing appearance of a person.

Includes references for interests, sports and favorite styles of music of a person.