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See video tutorial here.


You can edit site themes, site logo, colors and fonts in administration panel>Interface

In Color theme section you will see 2 tabs:


Installed themes

Installed themes section contains the list of site themes which can be activated.

There are ten ready themes available for user mode and one for administration panel. One theme is active by default.

To activate a theme click a circle icon.


By clicking an eye icon you can preview a site theme.


Click settings icon to view available color themes.


There are nine default color themes. To add your own colorset, press “Add theme” button.


Click a pencil icon to get to Color schemes editor. Text-, background-, links-, tabs-, buttons colors and fonts can be edited here.


To change a site logotype, click a pencil icon.


In logo editor upload a new logo and set up logo’s size. New logo should be uploaded for every available language version.


The feature of adding a logotype to mobile version is not available in current version.

Enabled themes

Enabled themes need to be installed first before they can be activated

If you would like to create a custom theme though, some programming knowledge will be required and you will need to access site files via FTP or with File Manager.

Creating a new theme

This is how it works. To create a new theme, open your site files and go to /application/views. You will find /admin and /default directories that contain templates, CSS files and other files that constitute a design theme. admin stands for administration panel, default stands for user panel.

Copy a selected directory (with its contents) and give it a new name. Here we copied the two directories, one for admin, another for user panel:

Within the new directory, open file theme.php and edit the following lines:

$_theme[“gid”] = “theme_new”; //give your theme a new ID

$_theme[“type”] = “user”;

$_theme[“name”] = “New theme for user mode”;//a new name

$_theme[“description”] = “New theme 03 12 2013”;//a new description

The theme will appear under ‘Enabled themes’ in administration panel:


Click Install to make it possible to edit and activate this theme.

After that you are free to edit the theme files:


or proceed with editing themes in the administration panel.