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This mode might be interesting for those who want to unite several sites of different spheres, such as Job Site, Real Estate Site, Learning Site and Social Networking Site. This mode will suit companies with several branches of business. With the help of Integrated Mode users will get such a useful tool as registering in all sections at once and a possibility of moving from site to site after logging in just once.

This mode implies that a site owner won’t have a certain portal page as it is. In this case all portal sections will exchange data through Main module. You can install this module wherever you want. The only requirement is that it should be the first to be installed. For example, a client has chosen JS and RE: http://megajobsinaustin.com and http://megarealtyinaustin.com. Then the main module may be installed tohttp://megajobsinaustin.com/main/. In other words, in this case the main page of the portal will be the section (Job, Real Estate, Community or Education) which was chosen as Main module. For example, …


You’ll access admin area main page after authorization (see “Overview” above). Admin panel in Integrated mode represents a certain section admin area (Job, Real Estate, Community or Education) which was previously chosen as Main module. For example, …


In the admin panel of the selected section administrator can fully manage all parameters of work of this portal section (Job, Real Estate, Community or Education).
To move Admin Panel of other sections, use “Other admin panels” of the left main menu.
