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In this section you can manage your site news.
Use ‘Add news’ button to add new news.
Click ‘Title’ column link to edit news. News editing and adding windows are identical.
‘Status’ column shows news status at the site: ‘+’ means that news can be read by system users, ‘-‘ means that news is not visible for site users in spite of the fact that it is in the system. News status can be changed while news editing.
Click ‘Delete’ to delete news items.
There is opportunity to indicate date from which news will be visible at your site, status (active/inactive) while creating/editing news. You can use standard HTML tags in message body.
If you don’t know HTML, use standard formatting buttons (‘b’, ‘i’, ‘u’, etc.) Graphic files can be attached to news and it will be visible for site users.
Use ‘View’ button to preview formatted or unformatted news message.
Press ‘Edit’ button to come back to message editing after previewing it. If you are satisfied with result, press ‘Add’ to save news message.
Upload an image for your news in the section ‘Image: ‘ Just click ‘Browse’ button and choose the necessary file at your computer.
Use ‘Back’ button if you are not sure whether to add news message or not, it will pass you to news messages list.
Use ‘Save’ button to save news message changes and it will pass you to messages list back.
Use ‘Delete’ button to delete the news item.
‘Back’ button will pass you back to news messages list without saving changes.
To add/edit feed please complete necessary fileds:
‘Link’ is a direct link for RSS feed.
‘Max. News from feed:’ sets how many news items will be displayed from this feed. Mark ‘All’ if you want all feed items from this source to be uploaded.
‘Status: ‘ sets the status of the feed (active/inactive).
Click ‘Back’ button if you do not want to save changes or ‘Add/Save’ button to apply changes.