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Area for managing your website interface language versions. Here you can add/edit/remove interface languages for your website.
At the top of the page you can see language variations already setup on your website.
To add a new language, enter language name into a corresponding field using latin symbols; choose base language which files will be used as a basis for translating into a newly added language.
for example, you want to add French language and transfer into French you prefer from English.Enter french in the field for the language name. As a base language choose English. Once you click Save button, the following will happen:

  • in the folder /lang a new folder will be created – /french, all English language files will be copied there (/lang/english);
  • in files /menu/lang_menu.xml, /menu/admin_lang_menu.xml a line french will be added.
    Once you add a language you will need to:
  • translate the line french for each language in files /menu/lang_menu.xml, /menu/admin_lang_menu.xml (corresponding to the files in menu “menu names in the user mode” while choosing a section for language version editing);
  • translate all the files of french language.