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Track the effectiveness of your email campaign using ‘Statistics’ section of PG Newsletter Software. Statistics are reports about the newsletter campaigns and subscribers to allow you to measure your performance. If you know more about your newsletter campaigns you are then able to plan better newsletters based on this information.
General Statistics covers information on your mailing lists and subscribers.
Sent Newsletters provides information on the effectiveness of each newsletter sent. You can view number of:
‘opens’ (information about the number of emails in this campaign that were opened by their recipients). To make this feature function, please enable the special module “mod_rewrite” on your server.
‘link clicks’ (information about the number of links in this email campaign that were clicked by their recipients. You can also see which individual recipients clicked a link)
‘forwards’ (information about the number of contacts who have forwarded this email campaign to their friends.)
‘unsubscribes’ (information about the number of contacts who have unsubscribed using a link in this email campaign. You can also see the email address of each contact.) etc of each newsletter you sent.
‘errors’ (information on number of recipients who did not receive a newsletter due to some error while the sending process)
‘failed’ (information on the number of newsletters that have not yet been sent; to complete the sending process to the list of failed, click the button ‘Send’ at the bottom of the page).
Autoresponders Statistics provides statistics for your autoresponders.