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Members who are looking for a roommate can submit their desired roommate criteria here.
The first step is indicating description of member location. It is necessary to specify if you are looking for a roommate with apartment or for somebody to share the apartment. Rental location (country, region, city, zip code, and address) can be specified here too). If you are looking for a roommate to share your apartment you can submit an apartment plan or photo in “Plan” section.
To make your roommate search more productive you should post your description in “About me” section. Here you can specify your age, gender, and some other options. “About Roommate” section contains some requirements to desired roommate age, gender, and description. Members can also add their photos to “Photo” section. Maximum number of photos that every member can add into his profile can be managed from the admin panel.
Note 1: Information about desired or offered rentals will be available on the site only if author made it active. Every ad status is shown on the rental description page. “Make available for search” link can be used to make listing available for all search options. “Suspend in search” option allows to disable listing on the site, but keep information save and available for future use.
Note 2: Once roommate search criteria are completed for more than 40% you can get some bonuses on your account.