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‘Other’ Settings’ section includes a wide variety of settings for your Roommate Website Service.

Let’s cover all of them one by one.

Limit of listings per private persons: administrator can set a limitation for a number of listings added by members of user type ‘private person’. For example, John Smith, a private person, will not be able to post more than 3 listings. He will get a message with a suggestion to change his status “Private person” into “Real Estate Company” or “Agent of Real Estate Company”. Once status is changed, the limitation becomes inactive.


Paths of file loads: this section displays the paths where user uploads are stored and design template folders and files located. Change these settings in case you integrate a different template or you would like to change folder for uploads.


Number of displayed per page: this section allows site administrator to enter number of items displayed per page for different options such as, for example, number of news per page, number of ads in user or admin mode etc:


Field “Age” in the user mode. Date: here administrator can enter minimum and maximum age used in registration and other site forms. Date format is also set here:


Member’s photo preview: here administrator can set size of the image in the ad displayed in search results. This will be a reduced copy of the first loaded photo:


Members’ photos: section where administrator manages settings for uploaded photos.
Administrator can choose to approve uploaded photos (putting a mark in a corresponding field), max number of photos per an ad, photos size and parameters:


Members’ video files: section where administrator manages settings for uploaded videos.
Administrator can choose to approve uploaded videos (putting a mark in a corresponding field), max number of videos per a listing and videos size:


Slideshow: section where administrator can set parameters for slideshow – max size in KB. This is the value for the general size of all photos used in slide-show:


FFmpeg module: section for managing settings of ffmpeg module that allows displaying videos right on the site like on Youtube service. If you server supports this option, you can enable it here putting a mark in a corresponding field and entering its parameters:

Format of cost display: this section allows site administrator to choose type of delimiter used in the field ‘Cost’ on the site. It is possible to choose whether it will be space, comma or no delimiter:


Square measure: used to choose square measure that will be used on the site.
Headline in ads description: allows site administrator to set number of characters allowed to be used in ad headline.

Period of ad’s activity: administrator can set a period of ad’s activity here, to do that put a mark to enable the option and enter the period for ad’s activity.

Status “Leased“: administrator can enable such status for leased ads on the site. This will result in displaying such ads in search results with a special icon.

Other: here administrator can enable the following option:

  • Registration confirmation – if this feature is enabled, site users will have to confirm their registration clicking the link sent to their email address. This option will help avoid automatic registrations.
  • Image resize option
  • Contact info of the listing owner shown to registered users from a free group – if enabled, contact info will be visible for site members from a free group

User Icon: the subsection allows site administrator to change default icons which are displayed in case a user does not add his photo or company logo (for Real Estate Company).
To change the icon, browse for the necessary image and click ‘Save’ button. New default icon will be displayed on the site:
