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‘Info pages’ section is the area for managing top and bottom menu sections of your site such as ‘Privacy Policy’, ‘Advice/Tips, ‘About us’ etc. Administrator can add new sections/pages into top or bottom menu and modify existing items, change their order etc.

To create a new section in top or bottom menu, click the button “Add section”. You will be transferred to a page with WYSIWYG-editor where you will be able to add new section: its name, content and metatags for the newly created page. Don’t forget to click ‘Save’ to store newly created section.

Newly added section can be adopted for all site language versions, just copy the content of the section into other languages (in other languages the section will be inactive by default), click the language link and edit the content of the section and its subsections.

You can change the position of sections and subsections using the arrows ‘One level higher’ and ‘One level lower’. To edit a section – click the name of the section you want to modify.
To add a new subsection, click the button “Edit” in the table ‘Subsections’. You will be transferred to a page of subsections of the selected section. Subsections management (creation, modification, sorting and removal) is similar to sections management.

You can also move a section from Top menu into Bottom and vice versa. To do that, click the button ‘Into Top Menu’ or ‘Into Bottom Menu’ accordingly.