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PG Portal Pro turnkey php web portal software. Our portal system lets you start your Web Portal Site with many advanced features.

PG Portal Pro is a perfect solution for:

— City portal

— Community portal
— Business portal
— Corporate portal
— A clone of popular portal web sites such as Yahoo or MSN

PG Portal Script is highly customizable, can be easily set to satisfy your demands.

PG Portal software has 3 mode of site operation:

City Portal. This mode allows to create a site for a certain city, region or country; and to offer its citizens lots of services in one place: jobs, real estate, learning, networking, friends search, entertainment and much more! This mode implies that there will be a main page from where your users will go to a special portal section they are interested in.
Professional/Business Portal. This mode allows to create a portal with multiple interesting and convenient services for people united by a certain feature: profession, place of work, interests etc. For example, a site of some association, business community, corporate portal. This portal mode (like the previous one) sets the main page from where your users can go to a special portal page they are interested. in.
Integrated Mode. This mode might be interesting for those who want to unite several sites of different topics, such as Job Site, Real Estate Site, Learning Site and Social Networking Site. This mode will suit companies with several branches in business. With the help of Integrated Mode users will get a useful tool of moving from site to site and a possibility to register at once for all the sections.

Installation process and Admin panel structure depend on the selected mode of site operation.

This manual will help you study installation instructions and interface structure of Administration mode and will become your guide on management and settings of your portal.