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Administrator info
All the info about the Administrator is gathered here:

  • First name
  • Second name
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • E-mail
  • Address
  • Login details that can be edited here as well

Phone number format is xxx-xxx-xxxx
Meta tags manager
Meta tags can be edited in this section:
Site title: the title for the site pages.
Site keywords: a keyword is any word someone might type into a search engine to find a web site.
It makes sense then that a “keyword phrase” is a string of words used to describe what the searcher is looking for. Of course even complete novices to search marketing tend to understand what a keyword is from the “searching” side of things.
Site description: it’s a description of your site for search engines, it will be displayed in the relevant search results, the sample is below (the text under the link to your site).
Certificate Editor
In this section Site Administrator can create a certificate for students who passed the course and the final test as well. If the course doesn’t include a test students will be able to get a certificate right after reading the course.
To create a Certificate blank Administrator should upload an image for logotype, it will be College or University Logotype at the Certificate.
Allowed formats are .jpeg and .jpg
Allowed logotype size is 179*41.
Certificate blank can be uploaded as well, it can be a frame to be around the content.
Allowed formats are .png, .jpeg and .jpg
Blank image should be 554*822
To add a signature Administrator should upload an image as well.
Allowed formats are .png, .jpeg and .jpg
Image size should be 100*23
When user passes the course and necessary tests he will be able to get a certificate in JPG and PDF formats.
The student details are added automatically. The rest can be edited in PHP file pdf_sert.php in the site root, changes in this file will be applied to both certificate formats.