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With help of this form Site Administrator can create and change Registration forms for his/her students. Administrator can set up here important fields, some of them can be obligatory, and some optional.
Form Builder
There are 2 sections at this page, the section to the left includes fields that will be in Sign Up Form.
The sections to the right are additional ones you can move to the left, thus they will be displayed in Sign Up Form as well.
You can move these sections with one mouse click.
Form Components
Fields names, type of control can be managed here, you can also set up, if the field is mandatory or not.
All form components can be edited and deleted, First and Last Names cannot be deleted as this information is important.
Below is the type of control management that can be edited in “Form components”.
Type of control includes the following options:

  • Checkbox – this is a box that can be ticked by customer to agree to the statement, there can be several answers possible for this field;
  • Text – this is text field where user can indicate appropriate information for e.g. name, email etc, these details are not limited in input size though will be displayed in one line, you can
    limit it yourself;
  • Select – it’s a radio button, that allows one answer only;
  • Text area – this type of field is similar to “text” type, this is nearly the same, the only difference is in their visual presentation, it will be displayed like text, description etc.;
  • Date – choosing a date from data source.

Default text – this text will be displayed in the field, like a hint to type in there, it will be deleted when students add there their name;
Maximum length – Administrator can limit the number of symbols that can be typed here;
Associated pattern – a rule that can be chosen for this field from “Manage patterns” section. It means verification, if there are no prohibited symbols and scripts.
Manage Patterns
This section allows Administrator to set verification of symbols that can be added to the registration form fields. Administrator can use regular expressions to allow / prohibit some symbols and also set them as mandatory.
Most common fields for checking are Name, Email, Login and Password.
You can use existing rules and add new ones.