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This is the section where newsletter templates are stored. You can create new templates, edit existing ones or remove those you don’t need. Newsletter templates are used to save your time and efforts. You can create a template if your future newsletters will be based on your company standards or will just correspond to the same layout criteria. You won’t have to create the same layout for each of your newsletters.
You can create or edit templates in the same way newsletters are created or edited.
The options available to you once you have created a template are as follows:
View: This allows you to see a preview of the template. This opens up in a new window.
Edit: This allows you to change the name and the template format and then view the WYSIWYG and/or text editor to view the template and make appropriate changes to it.
Delete: This will show a pop up option box to confirm your decision to delete a template.
Note: Deleting templates is permanent. Make sure that you really want to delete before you do.
You can also set the template to be global; in this case the template will be available to all Newsletter Service Customers. If the template is not marked as global, it will not be visible to Newsletter Service customers.