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CometChat is part of our Audio/Video Chatting package module.

View the advantages of CometChat solution here: http://www.cometchat.com/features/most-popular
It’s been seamlessly integrated with our Dating Pro script: http://www.cometchat.com/pgdatingpro-chat

There is a variety of pricing options, starting with only $49.


How to order

Place your order in the Dating Pro Marketplace or contact us in live chat.

How to activate CometChat on your website?

Step 1. Purchase A/V chatting package: https://www.datingpro.com/dating/pricing.php > Apps
Step 2. Purchase any edition of your choice on CometChat pricing page
Step 3. Indicate your site domain name on page http://www.cometchat.com/my/licenses
Step 4. You will be provided installation details + files
Step 5. Download installation package


Step 6. Decompress and upload /cometchat folder into your site root.
Step 7. Run installation process http://yoursite.com/install/av_module/
Step 8. After you are done with installation, log in as administrator at http://yoursite.com/admin/ , go to Modules management > A/V chatting module > Cometchat > Click “Install” button > this is what you will see:


NOTE: If you had the 2013.01 version of A/V chatting module installed before, you need to insert into /templates/pilot_3_theme/index_top.tpl following lines (in bold) after

{if $script ne ‘location’}


{if $use_pilot_module_cometchat}


Otherwise no need to insert this piece of code aftertag – the code is already in place.At all times our support team is ready to help: https://www.pilotgroup.net/support/Step 9. Get back to http://yoursite.com/admin/ , log in, Modules management > A/V chatting module > Settings > switch on Cometchat and save the changes http://yoursite.com/admin/admin_av_module.php


Now when you go to Cometchat tab, you will see administrator panel of this chat. Use default login and password (cometchat/cometchat) to log in:


Do not forget to edit administrator login/password in ‘settings’ section:


This is what your site users will see:

Note: If your site is installed into a subfolder (http://yoursite.com/dating/), you may wish to update the HOME button, because it would otherwise point to root directory (http://yoursite.com/). Do the following:

1. While in CometChat administrator panel, go to Modules > Live modules and delete the HOME widget


2. Create a new widget and indicate the correct path, using subfolder:


3. Drag-and-drop the widgets to desired positions, then save the changes and update the widgets:


Note 2: Since the chat does not open in a stand-alone window but is always present at the bottom of the site pages, group permissions to access chat do not apply in this case. CometChat will always be available for site members to use.

Mobile applications

iPhone, iPad, Android & BB apps are included in Premium and Platinum editions

More info here: http://www.cometchat.com/features/mobile
